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Getting started with Oracle DB.

In this blog post we will be looking at how to get started with Oracle DB. Undoubtedly, oracle is considered to be one of the most secure database management systems. Hence, many organizations around the world use Oracle DB.

Here are some of the security features in Oracle DB: Data Dependent Access Control ,Role Based Access Control(RBAC), Virtual Private databases and Encryption.

Basic commands in Oracle

I hope to blog more on Oracle DB, taking more security features into consideration. For the moment, (I assume you have already installed and configured Oracle) I will be covering the basic commands associated with Oracle. (Plus connecting to SQLdeveloper)

Starting the oracle database listener.

To start the database listener type in the following command.

lsnrctl start

Once this is done, type the following to verify the status of the listener.

lsnrctl status

Login to the database.

Now it is time to log in to the database. For this purpose, we use a tool named SQLPlus. The basic syntax for the login is as follows.

sqlplus <username>/<password>@Alias

For your convenience, you can create database strings containing the above as the value and save it as an environment variable. But doing this is not recommended for critical users. If you have used such db strings and have it in your .bashrc or .bashprofile use the following syntax.

sqlplus $dbstring

For the moment let us log in as sys user.

sqlplus / as sysdba

Startup the database.

To startup the database, issue the following command.


At this point, we are capable of running any query as we need.

I will talk about connecting to the sqldeveloper and tips and tricks of using it in another blog. Stay tuned!